Tax problem? Call me


protecting taxpayers from harsh collection actions

You deserve the personal attention of an experienced, trustworthy and highly trained tax problem solver who takes a big-picture approach to your long-term financial solutions. Call Tony Novak CPA, MT, MBA for a confidential discussion.

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  • Pennies on the dollar

    These words “pennies on the dollar” are perhaps the most misused words in tax problem resolution. This phrase is used phenomenally well by advertisers to attract clients willing to pay a fee for access to a bargain settlement and a fresh financial start. But the problem is that a small percentage of taxpayers qualify for…

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  • How soon can we meet?

    Today I accepted a local appointment this week with a small business owner tax client whose CPA resigned after he accepted a position as controller of a mid-sized firm (at a much higher salary than we earn in small business practice). That’s OK, I love working with small businesses. I’ve changed my approach lately in…

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  • A tax lien case in the headline news provides a teachable moment for the rest of us

    A lesson from a high-profile tax lien case: how a person with unrealistic expectations can hurt themself financially by not being realistic is assessing legal risks. The IRS put a tax lien on Rudy Giuliani’s house in Palm Beach, Florida three months before his headline-grabbing civil judgement yesterday. This is a good example of how…

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