No-fee case review

AVAILABILITY: No-fee review consultations is available if an arrangement is in force with the firm that referred you. Since few tax resolution professionals offer this service, there is potential that the service becomes oversubscribed. In that case, we will simply not make the offer at the time of the request. It is likely that the no-fee review will be replaced by a regular fee service in the future.

PURPOSE: The purpose of a no-fee review is two-fold:

  1. Allows us to evaluate each other’s personality to evaluate if we are a good fit for working together
  2. Allows me to get a more accurate estimate of the additional work requirements and the cost of these.

There is no expectation that we will solve an issue in the review, but if I can offer a clear, simple do-it-yourself solution, I will.

REQUIREMENTS: The requirements for a no-fee case review are:

  1. provide your name, preferred email address, and phone number
  2. electronically sign an engagement agreement
  3. use the secure message and document portal to share whatever information you have that we will discuss
  4. Share a copy of your driver’s license / ID.

SCHEDULING: You can choose the date, time and method of the review conversation. Telephone is most popular but Zoom or other platform allow for on-screen document collaboration. On online scheduler is available at

AGREEMENT: The no-fee review is conducted under the same standards and agreements as regular paid services. A copy of the agreement can be downloaded from Verifyle or I can send a copy.

ADDITIONAL SERVICE: Based on the review, I may or may not offer additional paid services. You can elect or decline without consequence. If I do propose additional service, a proposed work plan will be sent in writing for you to approve.